Disability insurance helps make up for lost income if you aren’t able to work due to an accident or illness. It provides coverage that will help you keep up with your financial responsibilities while you focus on recovery.
Ideal if you are
- A business owner or independent professional
- Self-employed or a freelancer
- An employee with little or no group disability insurance
How it works
If you’re unable to work due to an illness or accident and you’ve satisfied the waiting period, you’ll receive a monthly benefit based on your regular income – for the payment period you’ve selected.
- For waiting periods of less than 120 days, you’re eligible to receive the benefit on the first day in the event of hospitalization or day surgery.
- You’ll receive 5 times your monthly disability benefit if you’re diagnosed with one of the 25 covered illnesses, including cancer, heart attack and stroke. The benefit is also paid regardless of whether you keep working.
- The monthly benefit is tax-free.
What we offer
Personalized coverage
- Select a monthly benefit amount (between $400 and $10,000)
- Choose from 8 waiting period options (from 2 weeks to 2 years)
- Choose a benefit period:
- 2 years
- 5 years
- Up to age 65
Additional coverages
- Allows you to increase your benefit amount to meet your future income needs
- Pays some of the monthly benefit if you continue to work part time
- Indexes your monthly benefit if you’re totally disabled for more than 12 consecutive months
- Refunds 50% of premiums paid, less any benefits paid
- And more
Free assistance services
- At all times, if you are concerned about your health or that of a loved one, healthcare professionals such as nurses or psychologists are available by phone to listen and answer your questions.
- If you have a medical condition, world renowned specialists evaluate your diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment plan.
How to buy this policy
Make an appointment with us today. We’ll assess your financial needs and recommend a solution best-suited to your priorities.