Travel Insurance

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  • If you’re between the ages of 18 and 30 and will be away for more than 30 days, you can get 50% off Emergency Return Trip coverage. It covers the cost of an airline ticket to return home in the event of an emergency, and to leave again to continue your adventure!


  • Insure your entire family on the same contract and only the 2 oldest family members pay premiums. This advantage is also available to dependent children who travel with their grandparents.


  • Take a holiday from health questionnaires with the Quattra Advantage! Just fill out the medical questionnaire once and know that any changes to your health won’t affect your premiums or eligibility for 4 years.

Business Traveller

  • Take out a single contract for the entire year and get peace of mind every time you take off—because the number of trips is unlimited! You’ll see savings as early as your second trip.

Visitor to Canada

  • With Visitors to Canada Insurance, you get access to a wide range of assistance services for as long as you’re covered.

How to buy this policy

Make an appointment with us today. We’ll assess your financial needs and recommend a solution best-suited to your priorities.

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